Top Team Assessments: Personality & Performance Evaluation

Design thinking shifts teams from divisive to productive fast!

When change happens, people can naturally slip into subconscious fear without realizing it.
Discover the surprising source of all conflict and how to get back into intentional alignment quickly.

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Enhance Your Team Dynamics

Administer True Tilt Personality Profile™ assessments

Have team members take the True Tilt Personality Profile™ assessment to quickly discover their natural character strengths and understand what is driving them.

Start Learning

Help team members better understand their results with an engaging e-learning experience.

Run Team Agility Labs™

Conduct Agility Labs™ to solve real problems and build creative solutions with a proven framework that helps teams utilize their strengths in real-time.

Take the Team Agility Predictor™

Assess your team's agility before and after the labs to monitor the progress of reducing divisiveness and increasing generative performance.


The Tilt Framework has serious benefits

Learn a framework based on design thinking that enables and empowers everyone to identify problematic extremes early and self-correct to avoid divisiveness and distracting drama.

Common Team Language
Most assessments use acronyms and obscure psychological terms that require an expert to explain them. Enjoy Tilt’s fresh, relevant, modern-day business language that connects to the results you need to shift behaviors fast.
Healthy Debate
Psychological safety is created when everyone chooses to self-regulate their ego-fears, but this requires them to name them and take responsibility. Learning to state them clearly and choose to act from character enables everyone to join the conversation.
Rapid Alignment
When everyone takes responsibility for their own emotions and can courageously name their concerns, differences can enhance the collaboration instead of derailing it with hidden agendas.
Enhanced Productivity
When everyone says no to the four toxic behaviors that derail teams it becomes clear that personality is not an excuse. Blaming, Fabricating, Diminishing and Dominating disappear and are replaced with more time for productive work.

Team Offerings

Our team agility labs solve real problems you face each day. Using a combination of design thinking, conflict resolution, and Intentional Tilting as the foundation, we reveal the underlying fears of your team members that produce your problems in the first place and teach you how to turn the ship quickly.

True Tilt Personality Profile™
Assess the character strengths of your team members and receive a compiled report of your team's climate.

True Tilt Personality Profile™ for each team member

Team Climate Profile™

Individual Dashboards

Team Dashboards

per person
Team Agility Lab™
Take your development to the next level with a certified Tilt Practitioner working with you in an Agility Lab.

Everything in Discover, plus...

30-minute preparation with team leader

One 60-minute Team Agility Lab™

Virtual or in-person delivery

30-minute follow-up call with team leader

Team Agility Predictor™ assessment

Assessment E-Learn Module

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Team Transformation Lab™
Accelerate your team development with our certified Tilt Practitioner working with you in 3 Team Agility Labs.

Everything in Discover, Adapt, plus...

60-minute preparation for team leader

Three 60-minute Team Agility Labs™

Virtual or in-person delivery

60-minute follow up with team leader

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Who's Tilting
Hello fresh

Solve real problems, right now with Agility Labs™

Collaboration & Innovation
These creative experiences leverage strengths assessments to help everyone understand the value one's preferences play in the big picture of collaborative problem solving and innovation.
Retain Top Talent
Engage in a series of workshops and agility labs to shape a culture where top talent thrives, and where people love to work.
Shift Team Culture
Learn how to grow your strengths from the inside-out, how to expand your positive influence with people different than you, and how to Tilt to context to shift the culture of your team.
Tilt Presence Lab™
for Internal Agility

Introduces the four work styles and their differences. 

Yesterday's leaders needed reminding to ask others for feedback on how they showed up. Today's leader has an entirely different challenge in a world where social comparison is the norm. Constant real-world feedback creates a vastly unpredictable and anxiety-producing experience of ourselves that distracts us from our inner core. The solution? This compelling workshop focuses learners inward to grow self-knowledge and understanding that anchors identity in their most natural set of character strengths.

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Tilt Influence Lab™
for External Agility

Enhances self-awareness and self-regulation for individuals in a lab experience. 

 Yesterday's feedback tools were once-and-done 360s that happened once a decade and measured competencies that incorporated knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences that took years to develop and became wired into the brain so strongly that change bacame painful. Today's feedback tools must measure one's agility to navigate constant change instead. This workshop will change everything you know about feedback as you learn the 12 character strengths that predict positive influence on others.

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Tilt Strategies Lab™
for Team Agility

Helps teams learn to Tilt Intentionally in a lab. 

 How does a leader know they have everything in place for success? This workshop teaches teams an academically sound framework that combines design thinking with the four primary working styles to help everyone solve real challenges while learning to be more powerful in the group dynamic. Teams learn a common language and behavior set to accomplish four working patterns required for creative problem solving and innovation. Solve real-time problems or build actual solutions while your Laser Coach helps shape healthy team culture that sticks.

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Team Assessment: The Team Agility Predictor

Team success depends on more than just the traits of its individual constituents.  Interactions between team members can enhance or damage team effectiveness, and the typical pattern of these interactions defines the team’s climate.  Our Team Agility Predictor goes beyond individuals, allowing you to measure your team climate and learn how to improve team effectiveness. In so doing, you are provided a metric for how people are working together in addition to suggestions for how to enhance your team’s generativity.

Character science indicates that people are at their best when they are utilizing their own well-developed character strengths. The Tilt Framework describes 12 core character strengths (these 12 strengths are the words in the blue ring on the Tilt model above) that will lead to positive influence and generativity.

  • 01. Invite

    To assess team agility, a Team Leader completes the assessment and then invites team members and other stakeholders to provide their perspective feedback .  The gathered data will indicate how well team members are working together.

  • 02. Focus

    Even a collection of the brightest and most creative people will fail if they can’t work together in an effective manner.  Research has shown that communication, cohesion, and a shared concern for excellence are fundamental to team innovation. 

    Thus, a team’s ability to be productive and work creatively depends on a healthy team climate that is not only psychologically safe but also conducive to openly sharing ideas.  Focusing on character is crucial to developing such a team climate.

  • 03. Grow

    Interactive workshops allow you to take your team performance evaluation to the next level.  Connect with a network of over 600 master practitioners who enable you to focus on what your team currently needs for growth.

Additional Team Resources

Team Climate Profile

The Team Climate Profile (TCP) is a composite report that helps you understand your team's personality patterns and how team members change under stress.  This, in turn, helps you identify and minimize ego-drama and conflict while augmenting innovation. As members are added or removed, the report updates in real-time. You can access your TCP anytime from your team dashboard to view these changes.

The TCP is included at no extra charge with all Team entry purchases!


People bring their personality preferences to work as well. For example, some might prefer to work slowly, carefully and steady, making sure that all aspects have been considered before making a decision. Others, on the other hand, like to experiment with bold new ideas and make adjustments as they learn more. Of course, there are many more individual differences, also in terms of how people learn, lead, and interact with people. The more you understand these differences, the less it causes frustrations and conflict.

Imagine you have only people who like to socialize, create harmony and make people feel good about themselves. Or, on the contrary, if you had people who only move boldly forward with speed without caring about the impact on others. We need both, and even other kind of diversity at work. We need people who collaborate, innovate, align and execute. Having people with different approaches ensures that people approach problems from a holistic perspective.

Being agile is when team members can alter their behaviors and approach regardless of their natural personality preferences to adapt to alternate contexts, quickly shifting between innovation, collaboration, alignment, and execution.

Team assessments bring to light the collective strengths and development areas of a team to function effectively together.

Team assessments bring to light the collective strengths and development areas of a team to function effectively together. Understanding the potential hidden strengths and blind spots of a team is important to build high performing teams.

There are different ways on how to look at team effectiveness. Some team assessment tools focus on processes (e.g., do we have a vision, do we have a clear understanding of our responsibilities, productivity of interactions etc.), others uncover the actual results a team achieves (e.g, metrics, quality of service etc.). Another way to look at team effectiveness is to conduct a 360-degree feedback on their collective personality preferences.

Strengths-based assessments provide insights into strengths that can be leveraged and potential watch-out for overused strengths that can inhibit agility and generativity.

An intervention that fuels natural growth of each team member and the team in its entity that is based on self-awareness and becoming more balanced and agile.

Since culture sets the overarching tone of how we interact, building a team culture is the most vital strategy to reduce stress. The most important lever we’ve learned has also become the core product we offer on our mission to help team leaders build a culture where people love to work. Our personality and development assessments teach everyone how to recognize and help colleagues when their stress reaction kicks in. Once the four Tilting patterns become part of a common language, everyone can quickly lend a helping hand when someone falls into stress instead of judging them, which creates divisiveness. Above all, this team-building tool helps each member of the team show up at their best more of the time.

We’ve found that the best approach to keeping our team balanced and healthy is about monitoring the team’s mood and then coaching immediately to remove blocks. It’s also essential to set up the workflow to help everyone understand how to succeed in an agile environment as this helps to reduce stress and gives people time to reflect, concentrate, and work without constant interruptions. This will lead to exponentially more productivity and creativity. Here are a few examples of tenets of agile that are immediately useful for team growth: Transparency, clear expectations, radical candor, healthy risk taking, information sharing, trust and responsibility, and social connection.

Enhancing team effectiveness and team efficiency are not endeavors exclusively important to upper management.

Generativity is the ultimate outcome produced by leaders when they reach their most evolved psycho-social development stage, and it is what some scholars refer to as “servant leadership”. Leaders first embody generativity when they begin to care about more than themselves, their team, or goals by showing concern about the impact of their decisions on the rest of the world. What they then create becomes a catalyst for exponential creativity and productivity, well beyond the original idea. However, fear-based leadership is rampant in these challenging times and extremes in behavior are often the clues that toxic leadership is afoot. The future of humanity is in the hands of those who are unwittingly leading from inner fear about loss of power, status, approval and freedom. The path to healing is best solved by character strength development which offers a stabilizing and inspiring alternative. A framework of organizing principles for human interaction that truly enables generativity and contribution that transcends focus on oneself and in favor of the purpose or mission (and even inspiring a better future for all of humankind) is the essential first step.

Low self-esteem and operating from fear as opposed to operating from inner strength can impede high levels of productive output and result in underachievement. If leaders are extrinsically motivated by performance as others see it, they will struggle to tap into their own creative intelligence.  In this case, reward and punishment systems will drive the majority of their behaviors, limiting their potential to make unique contributions. Inner beliefs and thoughts will reflect inner conflict, indecision, and self-doubt as they interact with others.  Consequently, this can spread throughout the organization and affect others who also harbor self-doubt. The general effect is an intense experience of relational triangulation that spreads ego-drama based on four specific fears, as follows:

Loss of approval, which causes them to overcompensate by blaming others.

Loss of attention, which causes them to overcompensate by fabricating untruths.

Loss of status, which causes them to overcompensate by diminishing others.

Loss of power, which causes them to overcompensate by dominating others.